JOBTECH General Information Description. Developer of a recruitment platform intended to bring the personnel search and selection process into the digital age. The company's platform uses various algorithms to match candidates and job openings that are suited for each other, enabling recruiters in retail, hospitality, logistics and call center industry to efficiently fill job openings, and


JobTech Media. 38,643 likes · 7,719 talking about this. We do high quality Videos, Photography, Film Making, Documentaries, Advertising, PR, Branding, Digital

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"We want JobTech to do the heavy lifting for job seekers out there," said JobTech co-founder Charlotte Lim. "Simply upload your resume and our technology will reveal the day's top five job openings that best match your skills. SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 6 April 2018 - JobTech Pte Ltd (JobTech), Asia's leading Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data Analytics Company, today announced the launch of its JobTech Employer platform, at a joint event with AI Singapore, held at the National University of Singapore. 03 Maj 2017 12:00 Auranest är med och formar jobtech-scenen. Auranest deltog för tredje året i rad på Arbetsförmedlingens Jobtech forum.

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To make it even easier to use our APIs, we will organize four webinars in the spring where we provide a technical introduction and the opportunity to ask questions directly to our developers. The webinars are primarily aimed at jobtech media limited View Elizabeth’s full profile See who you know in common Get introduced Contact Elizabeth directly Join to view full profile People spend a lot of time on social media sites like Instagram, YouTube and Facebook. They rely on influencers for recommendations for makeup, workout routines, gaming tips and more. Check out these top 10 social media influencers and find Digital technology is overtaking traditional sources of information like newspapers, radio and television, and social media is now growing as a popular news source.

We document events, filming 📹 , music videos, adverts, online marketing, 📸 photography and public relations. Contact us via +254 781 193851

JobTech Media had a chance to documents the event JobTech Media. Gefällt 37.966 Mal · 4.399 Personen sprechen darüber.

Jobtech media

Därför satsar nu Arbetsförmedlingen på jobtech… Tidningen Chef, 2018-09-27. Hur kan vi skapa snabb och effektiv matchning på arbetsmarknaden? Det har  Swedish JobTech arbetar för en ökad digital och datadriven matchning på den svenska arbetsmarknaden med hjälpa av öppna data och öppen källkod. Intresset för Jobtech Forum är stort!
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Jobtech media

"We want JobTech to do the heavy lifting for job seekers out there," said JobTech co-founder Charlotte Lim. "Simply upload your resume and our technology will reveal the day's top five job openings that best match your skills. SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 6 April 2018 - JobTech Pte Ltd (JobTech), Asia's leading Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data Analytics Company, today announced the launch of its JobTech Employer platform, at a joint event with AI Singapore, held at the National University of Singapore. 03 Maj 2017 12:00 Auranest är med och formar jobtech-scenen. Auranest deltog för tredje året i rad på Arbetsförmedlingens Jobtech forum. Vår VD Philip Stankovski var inbjuden att tala i en JobTech, Singapore.

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2020-01-21 · Credits: Jobtech media. This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue

When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted. Swedish JobTech är en obunden och ideell förening som driver på en datadriven utveckling av matchning, vägledning och livslångt lärande på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Det är också en arena och plattform för HR-organisationer, företag, entreprenörer och myndigheter som vill delta i den digitala utvecklingen av arbetsmarknaden. View JobTech Media’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. JobTech has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover JobTech’s connections and jobs at similar companies.