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Pricer säljer elektroniska hyllkantsetiketter. Den amerikanska elektronikkedjan Best Buy är Pricers största kund och var en stor anledning till den höga försäljningstillväxten ifjol. Best Buy utgjorde 28 procent av försäljningen motsvarande 332 Mkr under fjolåret.

Find the latest Pricer AB ser. B (PRIC-B.ST) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. 2021-04-04 · Find the latest PRICER AB (PCRBF) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. PRIC.B | Complete Pricer AB Series B stock news by MarketWatch. View real-time stock prices and stock quotes for a full financial overview.

Pricer ab stock

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Pricer AB is a provider of digital shelf-edge solutions. The Company develops and markets a system consisting of components for communication in a store environment. The Company has over 15,000 Pricer AB operates in the Office Machines sector. Pricer AB is a provider of digital shelf-edge solutions. The Company develops and markets a system consisting of components for communication in a store environment. The Company has over 15,000 installations in over 50 countries.

19 november 2020. kommenterade Pricer AB ser. B Carrefour intends to install Pricer's system in ~500 stores. No order value, but we lift 2021-2022e EBIT by 

Stay up to date on the latest stock price, chart, news, analysis, fundamentals, trading and investment  Description. Pricer AB is engaged in providing in-store digital shelf-edge solutions. Its products and solutions include shopper solutions, store manage  Find the latest Pricer AB ser.

PRICER AB 0H38 Market Stock | London Stock Exchange

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Pricer ab stock

The increasingly feature-rich Pricer platform is fast, robust, interconnectable and scalable.
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Pricer ab stock

NOTERA: Dessa sidor är för närvarande under uppbyggnad, och kommer inom kort innehålla mycket mer information om Pricer: bolagsinformation, aktiegraf,  Med utgångspunkt i bolagets rekordhöga orderstock i kombination med en Denna information är sådan information som Pricer AB (publ) är  Interim Summary; Calendar; Annual & Interim Reports; Corporate Governance; Ownership; Presentations; Shares; IPO; Contact  88 United Kingdom London Stock Change Type Instrument Name ISIN Code AB (PUBL) Stock | BURE | SE0000195810 BURE EQUITY NPV share price in  19 november 2020. kommenterade Pricer AB ser. B Carrefour intends to install Pricer's system in ~500 stores. No order value, but we lift 2021-2022e EBIT by  GHP Specialty Care (GHP) - Köp aktier; Analys Pricer Q4: Stark of million shares in GHP on behalf of Annedalskliniken AB, at a price of SEK  Hoylu AB Namn-Aktier o.N., SE0009581192, 2021-04-13, 357142, Antal, 2,80, SEK, Utanför handelsplats, Detaljer. 2021-04-  Pricer AB (publ).

A stock’s dividend reliability is determined by a healthy payout ratio that is higher than other stocks. A company that pays out close to half its earnings as dividends and retains the other half of earnings has ample room to grow its business and pay out more dividends in the future. Pricer AB - ADR Dividend policy Inactive Price as of View the most recent insider trading activity for AB stock at MarketBeat.
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Stock analysis for Pricer AB (PCRBY) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile.

The P/Earnings NTM ratio of Pricer AB is significantly lower than the median of its peer group: around 20.00. The company valuation of Pricer AB according to these metrics is way below the market valuation of its peer group.