The Master of Science (MS) in Educational Psychology with a Concentration in Applied Behavior Analysis program prepares students for careers as Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs ®) in school and behavioral health settings.


Get complete details of masters programs offered by Universiti Sains Malaysia ( USM) including how it performs in QS rankings, the cost of tuition and further 

Var innehållet i programmet som du  USM, Högbo. 12 feb – 14 feb 2021. Master-SM, Skövde. 22 – 28 mars 2021. JSM, Gällivare. 8 – 11 april 2021.

Master programme in usm

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The courses offered under this programme are equivalent to those pursued by full-time students in the campus/university. The MSW provides employment opportunities in clinical settings, where practitioners must be Licensed Master Social Workers. Full- and part-time programs are available, with an advanced standing option in both if students meet requirements and are accepted; advanced standing reduces program hours (60 to 34). There are two hydrography related graduate programs at USM. One offers a Master’s in Hydrographic Science, the other offers a Ph.D. in Marine Science with an emphasis in Hydrography. The M.S. degree program in Hydrographic Science is a non-thesis degree program.

This programme is open to all students who have their first degree in USM*. The requirements includes are: At least CGPA 2.75 for the first degree which is being followed by the candidate, after the candidate ends the second semester of the degree studies.

We provide online support services that include tutoring, tech support, and academic advising through both a Faculty Advisor and an Online Student Success Advisor. Programme of Studies . Required Credit Hours .

GENERAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSGENERAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS MASTER PhD / DOCTORATE Qualifications (any of the below): I. Bachelor degree. USM offers courses ranging from Natural Sciences, Applied Sciences, Medical and Health Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences to Building Science and Technology, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education.

it comprises a component of taught core courses (50%), and a research component (50%). Students may choose to undertake the Master of Arts (Education) Mixed-Mode Degree Programme either as Full-time or Part-time candidates. VISION .

Master programme in usm

SM Program Landsväg Linje 2021. Lördag 12 juni: Masters H40-H55 samt USM Stafett. Söndag 13 juni: Resterande mastersklasser, ungdomar. den aktive ändå har planerat in att resa bort under förberedelseperioden inför SM, skall hen ha en dialog med sin tränare och träna efter program under resan.
Fasad material hus

Master programme in usm

The M.S. degree program in Hydrographic Science is a non-thesis degree program. This programme is offered as a mixed-mode programme, i.e. it comprises a component of taught core courses (50%), and a research component (50%). Students may choose to undertake the Master of Arts (Education) Mixed-Mode Degree Programme either as Full-time or Part-time candidates. VISION .

207.780.4812. Sydney Pontau, Assistant Director of Graduate Studies.
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Explore bachelor's and master's degrees that are fully achievable online. Taught by USM faculty, our online programs meet the same rigorous standards as our traditional, on-campus degree programs. We provide online support services that include tutoring, tech support, and academic advising through both a Faculty Advisor and an Online Student Success Advisor.

117 Wishcamper Center, Portland Campus. 207.780.4872. Andrew King, Director of Graduate Studies.