Bologna-prosessi. KUULUU RYHMÄÄN. 57 Kasvatus. Opetus. Koulutus. MUUNKIELISET TERMIT. Bologna process. englanti. Bolognaprocessen. ruotsi.
Bolognaprocessen är ett samarbete mellan 47 europeiska länder om utbildning på högskolenivå.Samarbetet syftar till att främja rörlighet, anställningsbarhet och Europas konkurrenskraft som utbildningsområde. [1]
Prosessen søker å skape større bevegelse for studenter og lærere mellom de ulike landenes universiteter og høyskoler gjennom å lage sammenlignbare akademisk grader og sikre kvaliteten og nivået for disse. Process convened in Leuven/Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, on April 28 and 29, 2009 to take stock of the achievements of the Bologna Process and to establish the priorities for the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) for the next decade. Danske ansvarlige og interessenter Ministerielt ansvar. I Danmark er det Uddannelsesministeriet, der har det overordnede ansvar for Danmarks deltagelse i Bologna-processen i samarbejde med Kulturministeriet, der også er ansvarlig for visse videregående uddannelser. The Bologna Process aims to create a European Higher Education Area by 2010, in which students can choose from a wide and transparent range of high quality courses and benefit from smooth recognition procedures. The 20th Anniversary of the Bologna Declaration is an international event organized by the Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna on 24th and 25th June The Bologna Process, starting with the Sorbonne and Bologna Declarations, was the response of national governments to the challenges arising from the mobility of European students and graduates.
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The Bologna Process is a process of cooperation and reform in the field of higher education bringing together 48 countries. It established and seeks to consolidate the European Higher Education Area The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is a unique international collaboration on higher education and the result of the political will of 49 countries with different political, cultural and academic traditions, which, step by step during the last twenty years, built an area implementing a common set of commitments: structural reforms and shared tools. The Bologna Follow-Up Group. The Bologna Follow-Up Group - BFUG - is the executive structure supporting the Bologna Process in-between the Ministerial Conferences.
The Bologna Process is a series of ministerial meetings and agreements between European countries to ensure comparability in the standards and quality of higher-education qualifications. The process has created the European Higher Education Area under the Lisbon Recognition Convention. It is named after the University of Bologna, where the Bologna declaration was signed by education ministers from 29 European countries in 1999. The process was opened to other countries in the European Cultural C
Read more Comparable educational system. Stockholms universitet © Stockholms universitet, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Telefon: 08-16 20 00 Bologna-prosessen er en europeisk prosess for standardisering av høyere utdanning i Europa.
Ett första steg mot ett gemensamt europeiskt utbildningsområde togs i den italienska staden Bologna 1999, varför arbetet fått namnet Bolognaprocessen. Idag
Processen Bologna-processen vid Sahlgrenska akademin. Bolognaprocessen innebär en gemensam struktur och nivåindelning av högre utbildning inom Europa med Som en följd av den europeiska Bologna-processen förändras nu utbildningarna vid LiU och andra svenska universitet och högskolor. Processen ska främja uddannelseskvalifikationer, navnlig gennem europæiske og nordiske netværk på området og som led i Bologna-processen.
In just over four years the Process has grown from six objectives, known as ‘action lines’, to ten and now has over 40 signatory countries. The Bologna Process is a process of cooperation and reform in the field of higher education bringing together 48 countries. It established and seeks to consolidate the European Higher Education Area
The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is a unique international collaboration on higher education and the result of the political will of 49 countries with different political, cultural and academic traditions, which, step by step during the last twenty years, built an area implementing a common set of commitments: structural reforms and shared tools.
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1 Bolognaprocessen En anledning till projektgruppens uppdrag att se över vissa examensfrågor i högskolan är det allt intensivare Pragkommunikén befäster och fördjupar de ambitioner och mål som slogs fast i Bologna , men tillför också processen nya mål som inte var tydliga i The Bologna Process is a series of ministerial meetings and agreements between European countries to ensure comparability in the standards and quality of higher-education qualifications. The process has created the European Higher Education Area under the Lisbon Recognition Convention.
maj 2013 Danmark har via Bologna processen forpligtet sig til at følge europæiske standarder for de videregående uddannelser på følgende områder:. Social Dimension in the Scope of Bologna Process: What is Social Dimension? The social Dimension of the envisaged European Higher Education Area aims at
Bologna-processen udgør en væsentlig katalysator for universiteternes strategi på området samt de øgede krav til konkurrencedygtighed på nationalt og globalt
reformaktiviteter, som finder sted i regi af Bologna-processen.
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On June 24, 2019 Bologna saw the festive celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Bologna Declaration, which in 1999 was signed by education ministers of 29 European countries. This marked the beginning of the so-called Bologna Process, creating the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), which by now encompasses 48 countries.
Två kvalifikationsramverk. Bologna processen bör diskuteras på alla nivåer. G Nováky, J Rogers. Universitets Läraren 18, 2003. 2003. Louis De Geer 1587-1652: Louis De Geer och hans 23.