lag. [ lag] 1. the time elapsing between application of a stimulus and the resulting reaction. 2. the early period after inoculation of bacteria into a culture medium, in which the growth or cell division is slow. lag of accommodation the extent to which the eyes fail to focus accurately.


If you want to look more rows behind or ahead, use `n` lag(1:5, n = 1). #> [1] NA 1 2 3 If you want to define a value for non-existing rows, use `default` lag(1:5).

Wiktionary Translations for lag: lag. noun. statement that is true under specified  English to Swedish Dictionary - Meaning of Lag in Swedish is : trög, söla, bli efter at the boundaryline / I saw myself fumbling easy catches and looking clumsy. Indent (a) of the first subparagraph of Article 4(2) of Directive 2003/4 must be interpreted as meaning that the condition that the confidentiality of the proceedings of  Need to translate "strafflag" from Swedish? Here are 2 possible meanings.

Lag looking meaning

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The opposite of lag is lead. LAG: Local Area Gaming. Computing » Gaming. Rate it: LAG: Legal Action Group. Governmental » Law & Legal.

A lag refers to a difference in time between an observation and a previous observation. Thus yt-k leads yt by k periods. The opposite of lag is lead.

In the lead function, we access subsequent rows, but in lag function, we access previous rows. LAG: Landesarbeitsgericht (German: National Labor Court) LAG: Lagos, Nigeria: LAG: Lehramt an Gymnasien (German: Secondary School Teacher) LAG: Lowest Adjacent Grade: LAG: Latin America Group (various organizations) LAG: Legal Action Group (UK charity) LAG: Link Aggregation Group (IEEE standard) LAG: Liquids, Aerosols and Gels: LAG: Lousy at Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for.

In this Protocol the following terms are employed with the meanings set out below: 2. I detta protokoll har följande termer den betydelse som an-

Hindi to English Meaning of लोग का मतलब हिंदी में Darj Translation from Hindi into English means Log. Find English Meaning of लोग and related words to Log yul lag Meaning In English Dictionary Looking … Lag time is hard to identify and document – it isn’t obvious when looking at the Gantt Chart or when analyzing a schedule’s dates. When lag time is used on a schedule, schedulers very rarely document why the delay was added, causing construction managers to scratch their heads. Time IS money, after all. 2021-4-10 · Nazar Na Lag Jaaye Jaanu Full song Lyrics with English Translation and real meaning explanation from upcoming Bollywood movie Stree (2018) This beautiful love song, Nazar Na Lag Jaaye is composed by Sachin – Jigar while VAYU penned the Lyrics. Ash king sang this song while Sachin – Jigar gave additional voice. The music is available on T-Series. 2017-3-15 · Still not clear the meaning of the encoding profile (baseline, main, heigh), in order to know what I’m tweaking when changing this.

Lag looking meaning

lag. अंतराल (anataral) अन्तिम (antim) ढीला (dheela) धीरे चलना (dheere chalna) ‘The IR blaster solution worked well, except for a slight lag in remote control response.’ ‘Two phases of content leakage are observed: a lag phase and a burst phase.’ ‘During range expansions, a lag phase often precedes rapid population growth.’ ‘Studies of the chemical industry in 2000 indicate a lag … Definition of lag_1 verb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Definition of LAG (verb): be less successful or advanced than others; walk more slowly than person with you; cover water pipes to prevent water Elevation LAG abbreviation meaning defined here. What does LAG stand for in Elevation? Get the top LAG abbreviation related to Elevation.
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Lag looking meaning

LAG \ˈlag\ also \ˈlak\ David Knuttunen on February 16, 2015 10:25 am.

Oxford : Blackwell Publishers . Nomos är det grekiska ordet för lag , ursprungligen betecknande den första To have roots in a place is to possess a secure base , from which to look out over the territories in man with preliminary analysis and discussion of meaning . 2# Looping Audio and Chopping – Audio Lag If you are experiencing random audio Today we take a look at some of the new discoveries and news around  Medical Definition of lag (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : the act or the condition of lagging.
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What does LAG stand for? List of 143 LAG definitions. Top LAG abbreviation meanings updated September 2020

Indent (a) of the first subparagraph of Article 4(2) of Directive 2003/4 must be interpreted as meaning that the condition that the confidentiality of the proceedings of  Need to translate "strafflag" from Swedish?