17. Okt. 2019 Geeignet bei sensitiven/vertraulichen Daten. ▫ Open Data → GESIS Datorium / SowiDataNet (quanti). ▫ Metadaten. ▫ Daten frei zugänglich
SowiDataNet|datorium is a research data repository for social sciences and economics that enables researchers to easily and securely document, publish, and share (quantitative) primary and secondary data. The repository is geared to the scientific community's needs:
SowiDataNet|datorium richtet sich an drei wesentliche Zielgruppen: Forschende in den Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften können als Datengebende ihre quantitativen Daten, Skripte, Für Forschungseinrichtungen ohne eigene Infrastruktur zur Archivierung und Veröffentlichung von selbst SowiDataNet|datorium is a research data repository for social sciences and economics that enables researchers to easily and securely document, publish and share (quantitative) primary and secondary data. The repository is geared to the needs of the scientific community: a comprehensive metadata schema provides an opportunity to describe the SowiDataNet/Datorium Description. SowiDataNet|datorium is a research data repository for social sciences and economics that enables researchers to easily and securely document, publish and share (quantitative) primary and secondary data. SowiDataNet builds on the development and experiences of the GESIS data sharing repository datorium, which was successfully launched in January 2014 and has been online since then.
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SowiDataNet builds on the development and experiences of the GESIS data sharing repository datorium, which was successfully launched in January 2014 and has been online since then. 2 datorium’s development began at the start of 2012 and was initially focused on individual researchers working in the social sciences (Linne, 2013; Zenk-Möltgen & Linne, 2013). SowiDataNet|datorium is a research data repository for social sciences and economics that enables researchers to easily and securely document, publish, and share (quantitative) primary and secondary data. Quantitative Forschungsdaten (Datorium) Forschungsdaten mit der Community teilen. Das GESIS-Angebot SowiDataNet|datorium ermöglicht Forschenden der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, quantitative Primär- und Sekundärdaten einfach und sicher zu dokumentieren, zu veröffentlichen und zu teilen. SowiDataNet|datorium is a research data repository for social sciences and economics that enables researchers to easily and securely document, publish and share (quantitative) primary and secondary data.
Iran nuclear program, and Economic Sanctions. (). Download (.pdf). Drafts. 0 Views. •. Sanctions Datasetmore. by Clara PORTELA. SoWiDataNet - datorium
These can be found - expcept for individual-related data, in the research data repository of GESIS, SowiDataNet| Datorium. Should you require a full access to one of the records, please contact the head of the research laboratory, olaf.bock@uni-hamburg.de. SowiDataNet|datorium, dx.doi.org/10.7802/2008. Download Oshakbayev, Dauren; Taitukova, Regina; Petrick, Martin; Djanibekov, Nodir (2018) Kazakhstan's cotton sector reforms since independence .
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2 datorium’s development began at the start of 2012 and was initially focused on individual researchers working in the social sciences (Linne, 2013; Zenk-Möltgen & Linne, 2013). GSRE 1.1, which is the latest release of the dataset, will be published with SowiDataNet | datorium during the first quarter of 2021. Please send an email to thomas.richter (at) giga-hamburg (dot) de in case you like to use this version of the dataset before official publication. Since the data is archived and verified in the SowiDataNet | datorium data archive or repository, it can be viewed as a research product in its own right and will remain available for a long period.
The repository is geared to the needs of the scientific community: a comprehensive metadata schema provides an opportunity to describe the
SowiDataNet/Datorium Description. SowiDataNet|datorium is a research data repository for social sciences and economics that enables researchers to easily and securely document, publish and share (quantitative) primary and secondary data. SowiDataNet builds on the development and experiences of the GESIS data sharing repository datorium, which was successfully launched in January 2014 and has been online since then. 2 datorium’s development began at the start of 2012 and was initially focused on individual researchers working in the social sciences (Linne, 2013; Zenk-Möltgen & Linne, 2013). GSRE 1.1, which is the latest release of the dataset, will be published with SowiDataNet | datorium during the first quarter of 2021. Please send an email to thomas.richter (at) giga-hamburg (dot) de in case you like to use this version of the dataset before official publication.
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The classes are very practical and the tutors encourage and motivate the young students. By developing datorium the Data Archive aims to collect and provide research data with a wide This article discusses how this objective can be achieved with the project initiative SowiDataNet. SowiDataNet builds on the development and experiences of the GESIS data sharing repository datorium, which was successfully launched in January 2014 and has been online since then.
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When published, the data records are assigned persistent identifiers (DOI). SowiDataNet|datorium ist ein Forschungsdatenrepositorium für die Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, das Forschenden ermöglicht, quantitative Primär- und Sekundärdaten einfach und sicher zu dokumentieren, zu veröffentlichen und zu teilen. SowiDataNet builds on the development and experiences of the GESIS data sharing repository datorium, which was successfully launched in January 2014 and has been online since then. 2 datorium’s development began at the start of 2012 and was initially focused on individual researchers working in the social sciences (Linne, 2013; Zenk-Möltgen & Linne, 2013).