Acta Sociologica, 49, 303-319. Walker, M. (2007, May 9). Sweden clamps down on sick and disability pay. Wall Street Journal. World Economic Forum. (2009).
Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy, Circle
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Douglas A. Hibbs, Jr. Trade Union Institute Nov 13, 2006 Acta Sociologica. Ann-Helén Bay and Axel West Pedersen. Universal Welfare State. The Limits of Social Solidarity : Basic Income, Immigration Jun 10, 2011 Acta Sociologica. Thomas Johansson and Nils Hammarén. The art of choosing the right tram: Schooling, segregation and youth culture.
Acta Sociologica is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal covering all areas of sociology. It is an official journal of the Nordic Sociological Association and was established in 1955. It publishes papers on original research, book reviews, and essays and focusses on research comparing Nordic countries with one another or with other countries.
Person och roll. Anders Persson - peer reviewer.
av PA Joona — Tudelningen på arbetsmarknaden. Bygren, M (2013). Unpacking the causes of segregation across workplaces. Acta Sociologica. Vol 56(1), s.
Typ av tidskrift, Tidskrift. ISSN, 0001-6993 Acta Sociologica 62 (1), 112-114, 2019. 2019. Pricing Activities: Bridgeing the Performativity-Coordination Divide in Economic Sociology. J Bååth. ESA 14th January 1989; Acta Sociologica 32(1). DOI:10.1177/000169938903200103. Abstract. The way employee flows
Adapting to financial pressure on household food budgets in Denmark: associations with life satisfaction and dietary health. Acta Sociologica, 63(2), 191–208".
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Authors: Markku Kivinen at University of Helsinki. Markku Kivinen. av D Berinde · 1999 · Citerat av 92 — Hoem, J. M., 1993. 'Public policy as the fuel of fertility: effects of a policy reform on the pace of childbearing in Sweden in the 1980s'. Acta Sociologica 36: 19–31.
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– (2000). “Pluralisme i Norden” i Gustafsson, Göran the labor market ” , Acta Sociologica , Vol . 34 , s . 207–225 . Ruhm , C. J. , 1998 , ” The Economic Consequences of Parental Leave Mandates : Lessons from Browse all issues of Acta Sociologica. Access to society journal content varies across our titles. If you have access to a journal via a society or association membership, please browse to your society journal, select an article to view, and follow the instructions in this box.