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Evan Fong a 26-year-old from Toronto, Canada is the proud owner of one of the most influential gaming channels on YouTube. He is also labeled as one of the highest paid YouTubers with the net worth of $15.5, second only to his colleague Daniel Middleton.
He is dating Gregory Brown who he met at the University of Guelph. Mitchell and Gregory hope to be an inspiration for LGBT individuals who like science. Orientation – Gay Joey Graceffa is a YouTuber, actor, author, producer and singer. He runs two YouTube channels, one for vlogging and one for video game content.
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Below are seven of our favorite Youtube gaymers: Press ‘A’ to Gay Press ‘A’ to Gay is a team effort by four gaymers named Tony, Mal, Fiona and Chaz. The four of them mainly do laid-back let’s play videos with a heavy dose of humor, infectious enthusiasm and charm.
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Mitchell Moffit is a gay YouTuber who runs the channel ASAPScience with his boyfriend. He is dating Gregory Brown who he met at the University of Guelph.
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